


Active filters

  • Luisa grass ECO 20 g


    ORIGIN: Majorca - Spain

    USE: It has a very characteristic aroma reminiscent of sweet lemon. It is taken as an infusion for sleeping, as its sedative effect helps to fall asleep.

  • Mint 15 g


    ORIGIN: Greece

    USE: tea or infusion. Add boiling water to a cup with mint leaves. In meat stews, providing a sweet and minty touch.

  • Licorice sticks ECO 50 g


    Organic licorice sticks of Spain origin.

    It can be taken both as an infusion and as a chew.

    It is expectorant and soothing, protects the intestinal tract and is a mild laxative. He drinks cold.

    It is also used to give a very special flavor to sauces, meats and in gin and tonic.

  • Sage 15 g


    ORIGIN: Spain

    Organic chopped sage 

    It is one of the best natural antibiotics.

    USES: It is considered one of the key aromatic herbs. Used in vegetables, pulses, soups.

  • Eucalyptus 35 g


    From: Spain.

    Use: Put some leaves (about 3 grams) in very hot water and make mist. This is achieved nasal decongestion and facilitate breathing.

  • Pennyroyal mint 30 g


    From: Europe

    Use: Used in infusion with stomach and carminative properties. By containing menthol it also has anticongesting properties.

  • Tila 30 g


    ORIGIN: Europe

    USES: Used to treat cramps or menstrual irregularities. Also to calm anxiety and insomnia. 

    For each cup of boiling water use half a tablespoon of lime blossom leaf.

  • Hibiscus


    ORIGIN: Egypt

    USE: Infusion. It soothes sore throats and relieves pain caused by coughing. Helps with lack of appetite, helps digestion.

  • Lavanda


    ORIGIN: Mallorca 

    Dried flowers at a temperature below 45ºC.

    USE: It is widely used as a relaxant. In infusion it is used as a sleep facilitator, antiseptic and digestive. It is an ingredient in the herbs of Provençales. 1 tablespoon per cup.

  • Orange blossom 20 g


    Orange blossom from Spain.

    It is the orange blossom. It has soothing properties. Beneficial for insomia and nervousness. Use in infusion, with 10 - 15 grams per liter of water.

  • Ecological Melisa 10 gr


    Origin: Mallorca - Spain

    Selected leaves dried at a controlled temperature below 45ºC.

  • Luisa grass ECO 8 g


    Origin: Mallorca - Spain.

    Selected leaves dried at a controlled temperature below 45ºC.